Products I Am Loving Lately

Today I wanted to do a little something different and share some products I have been loving lately! I can be pretty picky about what I like and make a point to only share things with you that I REALLY like.  These three things have been at the top of my list lately. 

EAT Healthy Designs

EAT is all about spreading the good word of nutrition in a well designed way. They sell prints, single cards, thank you note sets, and engraved pencils (so fun!). According to their website. "With Elise's background in nutrition and good eye for design, and Travis's entrepreneurial attitude, EAT was born". Elise is currently pursuing her master's degree in nutrition and is on her way to becoming a registered dietitian. So awesome

I am seriously obsessed with these cards. I really appreciate well designed stationary and am always on the lookout for cool new designs. I also really love a good food pun (who doesn't?!). Aside from being absolutely adorable and fun, each card has nutrition information on the back about the food it's highlighting. They also include a little card on how to read a nutrition facts label. They have managed to combine 3 things I love: food, health, and design. How clever!

This stationary is perfect for foodies and nutrition nerds (like myself) but also perfect for anyone who loves good, fun design and is interested in health. I have been using this stationary like crazy and am already planning on putting an order in for these pencils which will be perfect for my office. I know my clients will love them!

Go check out EAT Healthy Designs!

Wellberri - Products with Black Raspberries 

Wellberri uses black raspberries as the foundation of their products. One of the founders of Wellberri, Matthew, gave me some of their BetterBerri pouches and I have been loving them! To be honest, I am not a huge fan of many supplements. I try to stick to real, whole foods as much as possible and try to avoid overly processed, unnatural products. What I love about Wellberri is that they use ONLY real food. The BetterBerri pouch contains 1 ingredient: freeze dried American whole back raspberry powder (including the skins, seeds, nectar, and pulp). They are glutenfree, vegan, kosher, and organic...AND grown in Ohio which makes them local (for me!). One BetterBerri serving is equal to about 1.8 oz, or one half-cup of black raspberries.  

So why black raspberries? Black raspberries are actually a close relative of the red raspberry, only differing in it's shape and unique taste. They are extremely high in phytochemicals (antioxidants) and are a good source of fiber. Interestingly, black raspberries contain more iron than many other fruits, with roughly 1.4 milligrams per serving. This equates to about 18% of the daily value for men, and 8% for women. 

I have been loving adding BetterBerri to my morning smoothies. It gives it a beautiful purple color and a rich berry taste. The smoothie bowl pictured above has 1 packet of BetterBerri (which equates to 50 freeze dried black raspberries: 15 calories, 5 grams carbohydrate, and 2 grams fiber), 1 banana, 1 peeled orange, a small handful of spinach, blueberries, strawberries, 1 tbsp natural peanut butter, and almond milk. It was absolutely delicious! 

Check out Wellberri's blog for more ideas on how to incorporate BetterBerri in recipes and foods! 

Hemp & Honey Plus 

Last but not least is Hemp & Honey Plus. They are another local company based out of Columbus, Ohio (woohoo!). HH+ is a brand of skincare products made from all natural ingredients including hemp seed oil and Manuka Honey. Hemp might not be the first thing you would expect to find in quality skin care and beauty products, but hemp seed oil is actually quite good for the skin. According to Hemp & Honey Plus, "hemp seed oil has a perfect balance of omega fatty acids, Vitamin A & E, and is a quick absorbing oil making it an amazing skin moisturizer". The other main ingredient, Manuka Honey, is used for its antibacterial properties, amino acid, and antioxidant properties that naturally nourish skin.  The "plus" represents other natural products they use like green tea, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, beeswax, and shea butter.  I recently met with Scott, one of the creators of HH+, and he explained to me that they make a point to use a lot of "food-grade" ingredients in their products, which I love! 

Currently, they offer bar soaps, lip balm, lip refresher, body cream, and hand butter. I have been trying to be more conscious about what I am putting ON my body and not just in my body through diet. HH+ has been a great addition to my daily skin care regimen. After using them for the past week or so, it is obvious that quality ingredients are at the center of all of their products. I have especially been loving the Vanilla and Matcha Green Tea body cream. It smells so good and is SO hydrating! I have a feeling I will using it a lot as the dry, colder weather approaches. 

Right now, they are offering free shipping on orders of $25 or more using the coupon code "PinkShipping". Also, they are giving 10% of their online revenue to breast cancer research for the rest of the month! Be sure to check them out

By the way, I don't do reviews of everything that is offered to me. I only want to share quality products with you that are in line with my values :)

